HomeFaxReport Types

Report Types

The following types of fax reports are available.

Report name


Activity Report

This report contains results of sent and received faxes. A total of 700 jobs are recorded on separate pages for transmission and reception. By default, the report is automatically printed for every 100 communications.

The activity report is automatically printed. When necessary, records containing only transmission or reception jobs can be printed manually on the [Job List] screen.

TX Result Report

This report contains the results of fax transmission. By default, the report is automatically printed when a transmission failure occurs.

Polling TX Report

This report contains polling transmission results. By default, the report is automatically printed when a polling transmission has failed.

Polling RX Report

This report contains results of polling reception. By default, the report is automatically printed when a polling reception has failed.

Sequential Polling RX Report

This report contains results of faxes received by polling from multiple destinations. By default, the report is automatically printed when faxes from multiple destinations are received by polling.

Broadcast Report

This report contains results of faxes sent by broadcast. By default, the report is automatically printed upon completion of the broadcast transmission.

Reservation Communication Report

This report contains records of reserved fax transmissions. By default, the report is automatically printed when a fax transmission is reserved.

Reservation Polling TX Report

This report contains records of reserved polling transmissions. By default, the report is automatically printed when a polling transmission is reserved.

Broadcast Reserved Report

This report contains records of reserved broadcast transmissions. By default, the report is automatically printed when a broadcast transmission is reserved.

An address Polling Rx Reserved Report

This report contains records of reservations on polling RX jobs for one address. By default, the report is automatically printed when a polling RX job is reserved from one address.

Sequence Polling Rx Reserved Report

This report contains records of reservation on polling RX jobs for multiple addresses. By default, the report is automatically printed when a polling RX job is reserved from multiple addresses.

Confidential RX Report

This report contains results of confidential faxes received. By default, the report is automatically printed when a confidential fax is received.

Bulletin TX Report

This report contains results of the transmission in polling RX of a file registered in a Bulletin Board User Box. By default, the report is automatically printed when a file registered in a Bulletin Board User Box is sent in conjunction with polling RX.

Relay TX Result Report

This report contains results of the transmission of a fax received by a relay station of the relay distribution to a distribution station. By default, the report is automatically printed when a fax is delivered to a distribution station.

Relay Request Report

This report contains results of the reception of a fax as a relay station of the relay distribution. By default, the report is automatically printed when a fax is received in the relay distribution.

Job Settings List

This list contains the details of [Fax Settings]. For details on the printing procedure, refer to Here.

  • [Report Settings] (Here)