HomeBoxFile Re-TX

[File Re-TX]

When the recipient is busy and if communication cannot be established, undeliverable fax documents are stored in the Fax Retransmit User Box. Once you have opened the User Box, you can select a fax document stored in the User Box and preview, print out, send, or delete it.

Fax transmission is attempted for the number of times set by Auto Redialing function. If those attempts have failed, the fax document is stored in the Fax Retransmit User Box.

  • The optional Fax Kit is required to use this function.

  • If you often use the Fax Retransmit User Box, it will be useful to place its shortcut key on the top screen. For details, refer to Here.

  • For details on the Auto Redialing function, refer to Here.