HomeBoxBoxes for Document Storage and Readout (User Box)

Boxes for Document Storage and Readout (User Box)

Available operations with User Box

This machine allows a user to create a User Box where the user can store documents and use them again when necessary. This box is called the User Box.

The original data scanned by this machine can be converted into a file and stored in the User Box. Also, data can be stored in the User Box when printing is specified by any PC running on the network. A file stored in the User Box can be printed out or sent out to another user.

If the frequently used original data is stored in the User Box, you do not need to search for the document or data when they are being printed or sent. Because you do not need to operate the printer from a PC, you can reduce operation time and improve the efficiency with which you carry out tasks.

Type of User Boxes

This section explains how to use the following User Boxes.




This is the public box in which all users can store documents and use them. A password can be set for each box in order to control access to it.

If documents are created in an electronic format and stored in the Public User Box, all staff can share the same information by accessing this box. Also, users do not need to search for documents or data or operate the printer during printing. This will save the user time and improve the efficiency with which they carry out tasks.


This is a personal box and if user authentication is implemented, only users who have logged in to the system can store documents in the Personal User Box and use documents contained in it when necessary. Because this box is not displayed to other users, there is no chance that important files will be erroneously deleted from the box.

If frequently used documents are created in an electronic format and stored in the Personal User Box, users do not need to search for documents or data or operate the printer from a PC during printing. This will save the user time and improve the efficiency with which they carry out tasks.


This is a user box. If the Account Track is implemented, only users belonging to the same department (or group) can store and use documents in the Group User Box. This box is not displayed when a user of another department or a public user have logged in.

If documents are stored in the Group User Box, all users of each group can share the same information by accessing this box.

User types that can access User Boxes

Accessible User Boxes vary depending on the user type. This machine provides the following user types.



Registered user

Refers to a user registered on this machine with user authentication implemented.

Public user

Refers to a user who is not registered on this machine with user authentication implemented. Some functions are restricted depending on settings.


Administrator who manages this machine. The administrator can create, change, or delete all User Boxes regardless of whether the password is specified.

User Box administrator

If the administrator of this machine wants to entrust only box file management to another person, this administrator can assign a box administrator (Default: [Restrict]). A User Box administrator can access all User Boxes and System User Boxes. For details, refer to Here.