The original is copied using the selected color.
There are five color modes are available: [Auto Color] to copy based on the original color, [Full Color], [2 Color], [Single Color] and [Black].
For details, refer to Here.
Select the optimum settings for the original to copy it in the optimum image quality.
For details, refer to Here.
Adjust the density of a copy image.
For details, refer to Here.
Adjust the density of the background area when copying originals with colored background (newspaper, recycle paper, etc.) or originals that are so thin that text or images on the back would be scanned.
For details, refer to Here.
Text is enhanced when it is superimposed over the background (figure, graph, etc.). You can also enhance the background image.
For details, refer to Here.
Images are copied with a glossy finish.
For details, refer to Here.
Copy the original with the contrast and color inversed. You can reduce the amount of toner used when copying an original containing a lot of black by reversing the colors.
For details, refer to Here.
Color the blank area with a specified background color.
For details, refer to Here.
Adjust the color quality (brightness, saturation, color balance, etc.) of the original for copying. After adjusting the color quality, you can check the finish against the sample copy.
For details, refer to Here.