Home ApplicationRGB-CMYK DLP (Creation): Select Profiles

RGB-CMYK DLP (Creation): Select Profiles

On the Profile Determination screen, specify the printer profile and the RGB source profile which are used by RGB-CMYK device link profile. In addition, you can create the printer profile as required.

  1. Specify the name of printer profile which is used by RGB-CMYK device link profile. When you use the existed printer profile, click [Browse]. To create a new printer profile, click [Create].

    • When you click [Browse], the [Load Printer Profile] screen is displayed. In this case, go to Step 2.

  2. On the screen displayed by clicking [Browse] on the [Load Printer Profile] screen, select the printer profile to use and click [Open].

    The printer profile is displayed on the [Load Printer Profile] screen.

    Specify [Paper Type], [Paper Color], and [Paper Weight] as necessary. Then, click [Finish] to return to the [1. Profile Determination] screen.

  3. Specify the RGB source profile which is used by RGB-CMYK device link profile. When you use sRGB or Adobe RGB, which are preset in the image controller, select [sRGB] or [AdobeRGB]. When you select other RGB source profile, select [Other] and click [Browse].

    • When you click [Browse], go to Step 4.

    • When you select [sRGB] or [AdobeRGB], go to Step 5.

  4. On the screen displayed by clicking [RGB Source Profile] - [Browse], select the RGB source profile used and click [Open].

    The selected RGB source profile is displayed below [Other] of [RGB Source Profile].

  5. Click [Next].

    The Customize Color Conversions screen appears.